Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh! It's Wordless Wednesday! :)

Today on Wordless Wednesday I'd like to ask your help. What is the first word that comes to your mind when you look at these photos? Each of these photos tell two stories. One story is about the subject when the photo was taken. I know this story. The other is the story of what the photo speaks to you. You know this story. I'd like to hear your story and then in one of my next blog entries I'll tell you the other. Thanks for your input! :)

Portrait One
Portrait Two

Portrait Three
Portrait Four
Portrait Five
Portrait Six

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Weekly Snippit!!

Please visit this link to see this weeks "snippet" to meet Waida and her beautiful family!! 

Sara's Saga A Weekly Snippit

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Come and Be

Come and be

Jesus calls

I'll give you peace

Come and sit

Sit with me

Jesus is longing for me to just sit with Him. Too often I get so busy that I forget this. I forget that He loves to just sit and listen to the birds with me. To watch the clouds. To feel the breeze. To be. I don't remember the last time that I just sat with Him. Not worrying about the things that I need to get done that day. Not feeling stressed about an assignment that is due or a test I need to study for. Not putting a time frame on my time with Jesus. But just sitting. Enjoying His presences. Listening to Him as He speaks to my heart.