Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Typhoons and Candellight births

I thought I'd take a break from Wordless Wednesday(even though it's been awhile since I posted) today. It's been a bit crazy around here since last Monday(a week and a half ago). Monday morning Typhoon Megi came sweeping her rage though Tabuk. She dumped TONS of rain and blew trees down with her mighty wind. In one of the villages we do out reach to she flattened about twenty homes, and took off roofs and walls from countless others.
Since she came though we haven't had electricity, and it could be at least another week to a month or two before they get all the lines and everything fixed. We do have a generator at the clinic, but we've had to do two births by candlelight already because the generator has some issues.
It's also been difficult to work on assignments because of the lack of electricity. Though there is a gas station down the street that has a good generator(good enough to run the AC even!!) and internet, so I've been spending quite a bit of time down here.
We've had a couple of girls from Davao here this month. It's been a lot of fun having them here and I'll be sad to see them go next week.
Well, I hope this update finds you all doing well!

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