Sunday, March 28, 2010

The mountain

So, I've lived in this town since July. There is a beautiful mountain(I live on the side of it) that I look up to every morning. This isn't a huge mountain but it's still REALLY pretty. When we moved here in July we took a taxi up to the top and then walked down. It took us about an hour I think to walk down. I've been wanting to walk up to the top for a long time now, but haven't because I knew it would take like a whole day! (well, maybe not a day, but it'd be a good walk up there) But yesterday I decided I'd do it. Partly because we had discovered the shortcut not too long ago. This shortcut is just for walking, cars cannot drive on it. However, it is REALLY steep! But it only takes about 15-20 minutes to get all the way to the top! That beats the hour it took to walk down on the road!!
It was beautiful up there. I took breakfast(grapes and one of the muffins I'd made the day before) with me along with my B!ble, journal and ipod and I had a very sweet time with Jes.s. From the one side you can see the Himalaya mountain range. I took a picture of it, but it didn't turn out real good.

If you look really close you can see the snow on the mountains. But you have to look REALLY close!!

I also sat and watched some monkeys for a while. They were on someones patio(how neat would that be to sit in your house and watch the monkeys on your patio?!?!) and were doing something that I couldn't figure out. Maybe they were eating bugs? It's the best I could come up with. It was fun to watch them though.

I am really glad I went up there. It was so pretty and such a relaxing time. If you ever come here I'll take you up there! :D

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