Monday, June 18, 2012

Morning Prayer

Thank you for a quiet morning, for good coffee to sip as I enjoy the birds at the window, listening to their song of praise to you. Thank you for the cool breeze to savor, knowing it will be hot later, but enjoying it now. Thank you for this joy that is welling up within my soul.
As I prepare for my day, I ask that you help me to keep this joy with me. Help me not to get caught up in the things I need to do and forget to bring you praise in each moment. Help me to ready my soul for the day as I ready my face and hair.
I pray that the women I serve during prenatals today can see the joy that you have given me. Help me to use each moment to shine your light into their lives. As we listen to their baby's heartbeat and feel the position of their baby, I pray that you keep me sensitive to their spiritual heartbeat and movements towards you. Use me to reach these women today, allow me to be your hands, your voice.
As I do life with my housemates, I ask that you help me to be a servant, always willing to help where ever needed, without a grumble or mumble on my tongue or in my heart. Help me to see each of them through your eyes, overlooking their faults and seeing through to their inner beauty. I pray that I can be an encouragement to them and that you draw them closer to you today.
Help this house to be filled with your grace and peace. Help me to remember that it begins with me...if I desire others to have grace with me, that I must first show them grace, without expecting it in return.
Thank you for a beautiful day. I love you Jesus.

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