Sunday, June 12, 2011

India, graduations, wedding, family and fun!!

It's been too long since I updated this last. I am so sorry for being MIA. :( 
Anyway. At the end of April I began my break by making a two week trip to India. It was so good to see and visit with so many of my friends there. :) I've missed them all too much! Here's a couple of pictures from my time there.

One of the neighbor kids and I
This is my host mom and dad. Aren't they fun?

This is one of my dear friends

Hard at her studies

As well as going to India for two weeks, I also was able to spend a few weeks at home. I first went to Oklahoma for the annual Nomads conference and to spend some time with my team leaders who are at home now. Here's just a couple of pictures to highlight my time in Oklahoma. :)
Sadly I seem to have misplaced the SD card that had the most adorable picture of their older brother and his best friend. :(

My next stop was Iowa. My little sister and her two boys picked me up at the airport, and I'm pretty sure even Sammy remembered me. :) I'll try to limit the pictures here, but I have 5 nephews and one niece, plus there were two graduations, a wedding and LOTS of family time since my parents were home, so please bare with me as I show off my beautiful family. :)
Eli, one of the goofiest, smartest kids ever
Sam, lover of all things in nature

Just a little action shot!
Two of the most beautiful women I know Great Gma Fern & Mom
Congrats Amanda, er I mean, Anna!!
Way to go Kry!!
Jude Dude and Grandma Pam
Noah loves to share his ice cream with Grandpa Keith!
Noah showing off his helicopter
Toby will steal your heart in no time!
Kaili Sue making goofy faces with Grandma Pam
Welcome to the family Ashley! You are gorgeous! You too Jake

I would LOVE to show you more pictures of my break, but there are so many I don't know that I could choose, and you might get board. ;)
I am now back in the Fils, truckin' away at my schooling and catching babies. :) I'll post some pics of the two I've caught since being back soon. In the meantime, I hope you are doing well. Send me a note and let me know how you are doing!! I love hearing from you!

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