Yesterday Rashib(one of the shop keepers on my route) asked me what was my worst experience and best experience here.
Without a doubt my worst experience was when my wallet(my debit card, money I had just taken out of the ATM and my passport) was stolen. But even that didn't turn out quite so bad...I mean I learned what to do if your passport is stolen. I can now pass that information on to anyone who may need it, though I hope you don't ever need it!
Isn't this a beautiful view? This picture is from our trip in June.
As far as my best's hard to say. I've had so many great times here. I've gotten to travel some...I was just looking at pictures from the week long trip we took last June(just a few weeks after being here) around the area we eventually want to be in.
I got to live with a family for four months, but more than that, they became my family.
I went to Rishkesh.
I got to go to Mumbai for a week.
I've seen the Taj Mahel, Jaipur and more of Delhi than I would have liked (Delhi and I are not very good friends)
I've learned how to cook Indian food.
I've made many great friends here.
I've gotten to learn a bit about the culture, though I think it would take a lifetime to learn what Indians know, and even then I think there would still be more to learn!
I've learned some Hindi.
These ladies are bathing in Rishikesh.
I've gotten to experience Dewli, Eid(this one is a Muslim holiday) and Holi.
I've gotten to see some pretty amazing parades!
Suzy and I at the Taj
I've fallen in love with Indian clothes.
I'm sure I could go on for a long time. These are just some of the highlights of this past year. All in all this past year in India has been amazing. I've learned so much about India, it's people, it's culture, about myself, about Dad. It's been a great year!
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